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Artist Spotlight: From Within the 36th Chamber With Jay Wetterling

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

(Photo Credit: Marisol White)

What would you say first got you into music?

I've always loved music, since I was real little. It's the only thing that's ever made sense to me. On top of that I grew up in abusive/traumatic households most of my childhood and I noticed that I could get positive attention from my Mom and/or my Dad by memorizing lyrics and singing songs we knew. My affinity for lyrics and performing stemmed from there.

Do you remember how old you were when you wrote your first song, and do you remember what it was about?

Hahaha, first grade actually. I remember in music class we were supposed to make up a couple lines for our own little song we were writing with our teacher. I was always getting in trouble and would wind up grounded, so I remember I wrote something like "I wanted to play Nintendo but I couldn't, I wanted to ride my back but I couldn't." Haha I suppose I've always been an angsty one.

What is your creative process like? Do you have a special ritual that you do before a show or before you record music?

I definitely have processes haha. For writing, I get random ideas for lyrics or melodies, maybe a synth or guitar riff, what have you, and I'll write them down as soon as I get them almost not matter what I'm doing. I've pulled over multiple times, or stepped away from working for a second to put something down into a random receipt or notebook within reach.

I keep a separate notebook to compile all the "keepers" and then turn those into cohesive works. I end up typing and saving the final products on my computer but I just enjoy the feel of pen to paper, so I always work everything out that way until I make something I want to keep and use for whatever project I'm working on.

Shows and recording is much the same, my warm tea concoction, some yoga and meditation. I always bump a mix of songs that help get that "I am the absolute greatest to ever do it" vibe flowing. And of course vocal warm ups that I picked up from Zen of Screaming.

Who inspires you to make music?

My my son Brixton and the humans I create with. Seeing my youngling vibing to songs I work on with my friends and saying he's into it or that he's proud of me is everything. And full disclosure, I also had a terrible childhood, so at the end of the day I'm just trying to be the person I really needed when I was young.

I'm also crazy blessed that some of my best friends are truly incredible musicians/artists. Whether it's an idea they bring to the table that sets the vibe or an idea I pass onto them that they craft into something rad, the energy/idea exchange is indescribable. The level of skill and passion they carry keeps me from being lazy, straight up. They make me want to constantly step my game up, because they don't deserve mediocrity and I won't accept it for myself either.

For those artists that are new or haven’t released anything yet, what kind of advice would you give them?

Do you're absolute best to not get hung up on making things you think others want to hear. Create what you feel and what you like and makes your skin tingle. Let those humans who are going to dig it , do so because they see something in you and your art, not because you pandered to something in them.

Pay for good recordings, it's worth it, I promise. Also, don't get down when a lot of your friends and family don't support you or care much. Really, it sounds cruel, but it's inevitable and don't sweat it. Just make the best art you can without putting yourself in a box or stifling your evolution as a human or an artist.

Above all, don't EVER compare yourself to others in terms of "success". No matter what, if you put your stuff out there, someone's bound to find it and love it. And that's real.

When you’re backroading with your best friend what are your three songs that HAVE to get played?

Polyphia - "Look But Don't Touch"

Childish Gambino - "Bonfire"

Against Me - "I Was A Teenage Anarchist"

Where can we find you at?

As far as my current project I'm with an eclectic rock n roll band from Burlington, Ia called Manhattan Blockade. The band itself is coming up on ten years actually which is pretty amazing. I've been lucky enough to have been a long for the last 7. We actually just dropped our first full length album on Halloween, yo should probably drop everything and go check it out. Hahaha... But really, you can find us on Spotify, apple music, YouTube, and anywhere you listen to your music. Check us out, turn it up loud.

Instagram: manhattanblockade_official

I'm also working on a new project or two with some super rad humans which will be dropping in the near future.

Keep your ear drums ready and your eyelids open.

Good vibes always,

Respect one another.

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