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Artist Spotlight: The Fresh Prince of B-Town with Mattie Maher

Updated: Dec 10, 2022

What is your preferred medium for creating art?

My preferred medium is high pigment spray cans( Montana, ironlak, flame, ect.) on any surface that's big enough.

When you go to create something what gets you in a creative headspace?

Getting into a creative headspace for me usually involves music....(alot of hip hop and punk rock)...paired with a few adult beverages lol

Who is an artist that you’ve felt inspired by?

My cliché answer is definitely Banksy and Shepard Fairey....I remember seeing both of their work at a really young age and I was in awe. But honestly there's a million other graffiti writers that have inspired me as well..(just look at a train passing by, and tell me that shit isn't beautiful)

How old were you when you started drawing?

I start drawing when I was very young...I always had a fascination with different letter types and fonts. I was probably 10 or so when I actually started getting into street art.

What is your biggest achievement as an artist?

My biggest achievement as an artist would definitely be getting my work displayed at the Soulard Art Gallery in St. Louis and receiving the "Award of Excellence." The voting was open to the public....and it always feels good knowing people like your stuff

Say you were talking to a young artist, what would be the one piece of advice that you would want them to know?

My advice to a younger artist would be " try not to get down on yourself if you make a mistake, that's the beautiful thing about can always go back to the drawing board and fix it...that's how you learn and grow as an artist"

If you were only able to listen to 3 songs for the rest of your life who would they be?

3 songs is a tough one....there's so much amazing music in the world....could I say artists instead? Lol I'd go with my dude Jay-Z, Conor Oberst, and Regina spektor

Where can we find your work at?

You can check out my work on Facebook "Mattie Maher Designs" I suck at technology but I'll try to get a link on here

(We got you Mattie!)

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