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Big Hope, Big Dreams: A Sit Down With Hollywood Hope

(Photo Credit: Adam Ouhmane)

How long have you been performing drag for?

Oh goodness, I have been performing in drag for about 6 years professionally, meaning actually being able to make an income off of it. My first time in heels was back in high school. There was a LGBTQ+ restaurant named Hamburger Mary’s who had an all ages open stage on Wednesday nights that I would attend and drag my friends along as support. Who would’ve thought I'd still be dancing in 6'inch heels almost 10 years later.

Who inspired you to start drag?

How long do we have? lol. Honestly, there were so many drag performers that I looked up to when wanting to start out as a performer. India Love, Dena Cass, Katrina Cass, Sasha Colby, Brittany Cass, the list could go on and on. I fell in love with their confidence, beauty, and grace and wanted to embody that within myself.

(Photo Credit: Adam Ouhmane)

How long does it take you to get ready for a performance, and what is the fastest you’ve ever gotten in drag?

From head to toe I would say it takes me about an hour and a half to get into full drag. Makeup, lashes, body, costume and hair. I would prefer 2 maybe 3 hours to be able to take my time. Get into the fantasy, go over my music, etc. but I've gotten it down to a science now. One time I was with a group of queens driving out of town for a gig, when the front tire blew out. To say we arrived late would be an understatement. I think I ended up having about 30 mins to get ready before I was to be on stage. boy o' boy was that an interesting mug that night lol.

Are there any qualities that you’ve noticed come out more when you’re in drag rather than off stage?

I’m a lot more outgoing as Hollywood than when I'm out of drag. I deal with a bit of social anxiety so sometimes I can be pretty awkward off stage. Hollywood has no cares in the world. She is the life of the party, always down to make new friends, crack jokes and just overall have a great time. She is your 6’5 life sized barbie doll tehe

(Photo Credit: Adam Ouhmane)

What is the most rewarding part about being a drag queen?

Without a doubt that would be being able to share my experiences and story with the world and being able to have the world share theirs with me. I think an ugly fact of life is that everyone has been through a struggle at some point; whether that be internal or external. Drag shows give people a reason to laugh, to have fun and to find joy in the smallest of adventures. It’s after the show that you get to mix and mingle with the audience members. Where you learn so much about people, what they might be going through. How shows like these allowed them to find confidence to tell their parents about their sexuality, how to connect with their nonbinary child, or even to live another day. Those are the parts of the job that makes it all worthwhile.

What is the best piece of advice you could give to a new and upcoming drag queen?

Be yourself, love yourself, respect those around you. Always remember that you are deserving of everything great this big wide world has to offer.

What are 3 songs that you want to create a routine for?

I have been on a Sza kick for the last month. I’ve literally been obsessed with her music lately, so anything Sza to be honest. I would love to do more Doja Cat, Megan Thee Stallion, and Becky Hall. But i will say you can never go wrong with a good ole Britney Spears or Beyoncé number.

Where can we find you? (Any and all social media links that you want to plug! The floor is yours)

You can find me on Instagram @LifeeOfHollywood, Facebook @ Hollywood Hope and Tiktok @HollywoodHope

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