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"Curtain Call" By Bouquet

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

Curtain Call is Bouquets newest single that dropped on Youtube. The song had a release date of December 9th, 2022. We were glad to talk to Bouquet about their song, and they were able to give us a bit of insight into how they created this awesome track. "In every possible way, from writing to release, Curtain Call came about much slower than anything we’ve done up to this point.

The instrumentals were written in bulk by Elijah Wold in October of 2021 and over the course of a few months we added the rest before recording in January of 2022. While in the studio, the boys spent a lot of time dialing in any tones, effects, or additional guitar ideas that came about while they were there together.

Our producer, Andrei Milosevic, did a great job of experimenting with different synth leads and background pieces to fit the tone of the song and really helped fill out some of the space in the song before mixing and sending the song to Kris Crummett to finish the song by mastering.

Lyrically, the song is about the wear and tear of life taking the joy out of what I’d grown to love. I’d pursued a life in music for years before this band and by doing so I’d inadvertently defined myself by this one role of just being a person in a band. I rarely took time to enjoy other things or pick up hobbies because I was so set with achieving this goal and needed to ask myself if everything is sacrificed to myself and those I love was worth it. I burnt myself out on all levels and stopped getting enjoyment out of music. The song signifies a need I had to be more than this hollowed-out version of myself that I was presenting to the world. To try and remember that I get to make songs with my friends and that regardless of any success that we may or may not garner, getting to do this can and should be fun. Forget everything else."

If you're looking for a new jam to listen to make sure this is the one that you're looking up this week!

Check Bouquet out on all their platforms!

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