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Do You Want Some Milk With That: A Sit Down With Bryer Meierotto

(Photo Credit: Kelsi Stogdill)

When would you say you first got into writing music?

Growing up in church I was always around worship music, but it wasn't until I stumbled on my dad's old rock n roll tapes that I got into guitar, and once I picked that up around 12-13 is about the same time I started attempting to write songs.

Who is the artist that influenced you the most?

Oh geez, I don't think I can pick just one. When I was a kid, my bedroom was directly over my Dad's garage and I can't count how many times I fell asleep listening to "The Delicate Sound of Thunder" by Pink Floyd. From there, when I got older, Underoath and August Burns Red got me into heavy music. But as an adult my favorite duo Daft Punk taught me that you can use any medium and still create great sounds

Do you have a special ritual that you do before a show or before you record music?

Before shows, especially if we're out of town, I HAVE to check out the local food places. There's always a hidden treasure in local food businesses. Before recording, just making sure that I'm relaxed and ready to let creative juices flow, or making sure I'm practiced up on parts already written.

On the other hand, what has been the biggest challenge as a musician?

My personal biggest challenge has been overcoming myself. I'm not a perfect person and I get discouraged, think my own writing is trash, feel uninspired or get tempted to compare myself to others. I have to remind myself that music is just about self expression, having fun, and thanking the creator that I've been given this outlet

What is a piece of advice that someone gave to you that you want to pass on to a new musician?

K.I.S.S keep it simple stupid

My guitar instructor always told me this to remind me that beauty doesn't require complexity (although it's not off the table)

You’re on a quest to Mordor, what are your 3 traveling songs?

It's a dangerous business walking out your front door - Underoath

Misty Mountain Hop - Led Zeppelin

Rivendale - Rush

Where can we find you at?

Check out Manhattan Blockade on Spotify! And I'm working on some shorter stripped down songs that I'll be making a Spotify and TikTok for early next year. So keep your eyes and ears peeled

(Photo Credit: Kelsi Stogdill)

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