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Feeling Peachy Keen: A Sit Down With Pėachÿ

Can you tell us about all of the creative endeavors that you engage in?

I like to engage in several forms of art. A Major point of expression for myself is music. Music has always been able to move me to tears or help me express myself in ways where words could not.

How old were you when you first realized that being creative was your passion?

Music ran through my blood from the moment I began to exist. I grew up surrounded by singing and instruments in a family that was rooted in performance and musical expression. From a small age I was singing, and I was constantly around the piano. I could play for hours on the piano just releasing every thing I ever wanted to express at such a young age.

Who are your biggest influences?

My biggest musical influences are Polyphia, Mitis, YMIR and Au/Ra. I really take a lot of electronic element's into my music.

How do you get yourself in a creative mindset?

My creative moods come from being inspired by other artists. Seeing a film. Reading a poem. Hearing a story. I also take inspiration from things that happen to me. Music becomes very personal for me.

Is there a specific time of day that you work the best when you’re creating something?

I'm very much a night owl. The night is awe inspiring for my mind. It's when everyone is asleep and I can focus on my creativity without pausing or interruptions.

What is the best piece of advice someone has given you?

Be authentic. Be you. And do what you love. If you aren't doing what you enjoy then you won't have passion.

Deep into a gaming session, what 3 songs are leading you to victory?

1. Icarus by Phase One

2. Heavy by Au/ra

3. Up in Flames by Kayzo

Where can we find you at? (This is where you can post any and all links! Promote yourself)

Instagram: NebulaSeer (

SoundCloud: Peachy (

YouTube: Peachy Makes Music ( )

And coming soon to Spotify! Also stay on the look out for some of my other ventures.

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