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Friday's are for (LGBTQ+) Rallies

In response to the recent passage of Senate File 538, a bill restricting access to vital healthcare for transgender and gender non-conforming youth, a passionate individual took it upon themselves to organize an LGBTQ rally. Fueled by a sense of urgency and a desire to protect the rights and dignity of the community, this rally aims to send a powerful message of resilience, strength, and unity.

The catalyst for organizing this LGBTQ rally was the passing of Senate File 538 on March 22, 2023. This bill effectively prohibits Iowa doctors from prescribing hormone/puberty blockers, estrogen, testosterone, or gender-affirming surgeries to individuals under the age of 18. The weight of the impending loss of agency and authenticity for countless friends and loved ones drove the organizer to tears, igniting a fire within them. Out of this emotional turmoil, the idea of the rally was born, fueling a spark of hope in an otherwise challenging landscape.

The main message that will resound throughout the rally is a powerful declaration of resilience: "They will not silence us. We are the future; they are not." This rallying cry embodies the spirit of defiance and determination that the LGBTQ community holds within, refusing to be silenced or marginalized.

The primary objective of the LGBTQ rally is to create a safe and accepting space where individuals can find solace, strength, and support. Amidst the current struggles faced by the community, the rally aims to foster a sense of belonging and solidarity. By providing a platform for self-expression and validation, it is hoped that attendees will feel empowered to be their authentic selves, even if only for one night. Furthermore, the rally serves as a call to action, encouraging participants to engage with their communities and advocate for LGBTQ rights.


6:00 PM: Commencement and Speeches

  • The rally will kick off with a series of inspirational speeches from seven speakers. These individuals, representing diverse voices within the LGBTQ community and its allies, will share personal stories, insights, and calls to action.

7:00 PM: Performance by Manhattan Blockade

  • Following the speeches, the spotlight will shift to a captivating performance by Manhattan Blockade.

8:00 PM: Burlington Flag Force Choreographed Show

  • The Burlington Flag Force will take the stage with a mesmerizing choreographed show.

8:30 PM: Drag Performances

  • As the energy builds, the rally will feature six spectacular drag performers, each bringing their unique style and charisma to the stage. These talented artists will showcase their talents and celebrate the art of drag, infusing the evening with a sense of joy, self-expression, and liberation.

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