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Just What The Doctor Ordered: A Sit Down With Midnight Comics

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

Can you tell us a bit on how you started your comic book company?

We started our comics after watching several anime and talking about how we think they should've ended. We had so many "what if" discussions how we think stories would change. After some time of this we decided it may be time for us to utilize these ideas we have for our own stories.

How long have you been creating comic books?

We've been creating comics professionally for 2 years now. However, we've been writing stories for over a decade. From poetry books, zombie dramas, and professional guidebook. However, our true love is definitely writing comic books and manga.

Do you remember what the first comic you created was about and do you still have it?

The first comic I created was a story that is now known as "The Last Day" I started the story in 2008 and still have the original sketches and panels. I didn't have a direction at that time and just drew on the fly. So as we were adopting this story a lot things changed and the characters went through some massive changes.

What is the longest ran/running comic book that you guys produce?

Currently the longest running series is our manga "The Unbeloved" we are currently 3 books in with a fourth near completion. Very excited about the direction and length of this series in particular.

Which do you guys create first: a story/script or the drawings?

For the manga we wrote the story before we had all of the character drawings. With our traditional style comics we started with the character drawings and then created the story. For the manga I already could visualize what most of the characters looked like without having to draw them out. However, the designs for the traditional comic stories came over time and we proceeded to create them and mold a story around them.

What is one piece of advice that you’d give to a new artist that wants to get into comic book creation?

Our advice would be to take your project one page at a time and don't stress yourself out.

When you’re working on a new comic what 3 songs are on your playlist?

"Strange" By Celeste

"Funkentelchy" By Parliament

"Tadow" By FKJ & Masego

Where can we find you at?

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