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Living the CRT Dream : A Sit Down With Blist Her

Can you introduce us to everyone in the band and what you all do?

Brandon: I play guitar, sing, and generally come up with the basics of the songs. Dakota plays guitar and brings the more gazey aspects to the music. Chris handles bass, and we stole Royce from Closet Witch to play drums. Those two really keep Dakota and I in check and down to earth when we get too atmospheric.

How did you guys come up with the name Blist Her?

Brandon: this was initially a side project, and I needed a name quickly as I had a show already lined up, so I made it up. If I'd have known it would become my main thing I probably would've put more thought into it [laughs]

Can you describe your music for us?

Brandon: Atmospheric and melancholic, lyrically and physically emotional to a fault. Definitely grunge and shoegaze, although some songs can deviate at times.

What is your guys’ favorite song that you’ve created?

Brandon: I'd have to say this new song that doesn't have a real name yet, we've been playing it at the last few shows. Well call it Blueberry at the moment. It's the first real song we've worked together on, since I wrote a lot of the music before the others joined.

Do you have a pre-show ritual that you try to do before performing?

Royce: I like to do this crazy odd thing before a show where I get there on time [laughs].

Chris: pre show herbal supplement.

Brandon: Try not to die from the stress of setting up the TVs.

Dakota: I just chill out, try not to think about it too much.

What is the best piece of advice that you could give to someone who is wanting to get into music?

Brandon: never let anyone tell you that you can't play music, or that you're doing it wrong. You don't have to KNOW chords or notes in order to play a guitar. You just need the drive to do it.

Chris: always be willing to learn more about music.

It's a Saturday morning and we’re gaming like it’s 1999, what music is in the rotation?

Brandon: growing up playing racing games on the n64, it would usually be Nirvana, Metallica, Green Day. Basic shit a kid would listen to.

Dakota: I mostly play rpgs, so the soundtrack of the game is all I listen to.

Royce: Tony Hawks Pro Skater soundtracks. That or Twisted Metal soundtracks. Superman by Goldfinger and New Girl by Suicide Machines are obvious go-to's there.

Chris: grew up playing games with my dad, he listened to a lot of Suicidal Tendencies and some Type O Negative. Definitely would say Operation Ivy and Peter Tosh in my teens.

Where can we find you at?


(btw all of our music is free to download)





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