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Meme Harder Than Your Mom: A Sit Down with YUNGBUTTPISS

When did you start creating music?

I started creating music earlier this year, February 2022 to be exact.

How did you come up with your name?

I was peeing while sitting down when I went to Christian school, a kid came in and recognized my tie-dye crocs from outside the stall and started calling me ‘Buttpiss’. Eventually it caught on and everyone at my Christian school started calling me Buttpiss.

What artist has been the most influential?


Do you remember what the first song you ever created was about?

My first song is called Christian Viagra. It’s about an innocent Christian boy (me) who repents to God after getting aroused while wiping his bottom.

Can you show us your favorite meme in this moment?

What is the best piece of advice you could give someone who is looking to start a career in music?

Don’t just make music for you and expect it to sell, make sure to have other people in mind too. You can’t say ‘I do art for me’ and then get angry when it doesn’t sell. I think every artist needs to ask themselves one question, “Do I wanna make art? Or do I wanna make money?” Because most of the time, you can’t do both. It doesn’t matter how well-produced or how good your song sounds. The only thing that matters (if you want your music to sell) is what the consumer gets out of it. You can make the catchiest song in the world with the deepest most meaningful message of all time, and it simply will not sell if it does not resonate with the masses. Your music might be objectively good, but is it subjectively good? Objectively good means it follows the proper structure and formula to what makes a good song in terms of music theory, but subjectively good is when consumers resonate with it and want to stream/buy/listen to it regardless of how good or bad it sounds. I say this because my music is objectively bad. It’s intentionally bad, it’s meme rap. But it’s subjectively good because thousands of people like it enough to stream it everyday. Also, it’s extremely important to make sure your music is honest and authentic. People can tell if you are fake, contrary to popular belief, the masses are NOT that dumb. They can tell if a piece of art is inauthentic or not. If you are not in touch with who you are, then I don’t think you are truly capable of creating art that will resonate with tons of people. You may be capable of creating good art, but good art doesn’t always sell. Make honest, authentic art that not only shows your positive traits, but your worst traits as well and I promise you will soon attract an audience who is just like you. If you’re too scared to be vulnerable or honest, then maybe doing music isn’t for you. I was a YouTuber for 10 years before I did Yung Buttpiss. The clean comedy skits I made didn’t represent my soul, I’m a foul-mouthed edgelord with a progressive set of values and ideals. As soon as I did art that represented who I actually was, I gained more traction than I ever did with my clean comedy within just 1 month. Be honest, be authentic, make art.

When you’re scrolling on facebook, and listening to music in the background what are your 3 songs you’re choosing?

"Flashing Lights" by Kanye West, "Sociopath" by StayLoose & "Bryce Fox & The Countdown" by Johnnyboyxo

Where can we find you at?

My name on Apple Music & YouTube is Yung Buttpiss (of course)

And I have TWO Tik Tok accounts.



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