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On The Comeback Trail: A Sit Down With Wenslow

(Photo Credit: Darke Media)

First we have to say welcome back, and we’ve been jamming the new song since it dropped. How has the response been?

Dan: It was really cool so see how many people still wanted to hear new music from us after all this time.

yD: Exciting to say the least. Pretty crazy to see so many people listen to the single over the course of its release. It’s been four years and people still care, that’s absolutely awesome. Every share, kind word, piece of criticism, or stream. We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts.

RB: Pretty awesome to be honest. With the amount of time that’s gone by since our last release I wasn’t expecting much of a reaction but it’s amazing to know people still listen to us and want more.

Can you introduce us to each of you guys and what instruments do you play?

Dan: I'm Dan Bochert and I play lead guitar.

yD: I’m Brady(yD) and I am the lead vocalist, and now I also play the bass! I also do most of the synth/atmosphere production in our songs.

RB: I'm Ryan and I play guitar and provide backup vocals.

How did each of you guys get into music?

yD: My first love was music stemming from my grandfather. He was an amateur country musician in his free time. My early memories involve wanting to follow in his musical footsteps. Ten years of guitar lessons later I fell in-love with Tom Delonge and punk music, and honestly the rest was history for me. A couple highschool bands, and a superlative hope that someday I could create something cool with my closest friends.

Dan: My journey into music isn't nearly as sentimental as Brady's, pretty much I saw Ryan and his friends playing music and I wanted to fit in.

RB: When I was in high school I loved emo music but never played instruments nor sang well so I was just a fan like most people. When I was 17 I had a buddy who played guitar and just left it at my house one day so I started playing and trying to figure it out and it came really naturally. And once Dan started playing he surpassed me very quickly.

Can you talk to us a bit about the past 3-4 years and what made you guys decide to come back now?

Dan: I think it was the right time to come back. We wanted to make sure we were putting out music we were really proud of.

yD: What we had before our break wasn’t working the right way. Quite frankly I think we needed to grow as people. I think we needed time to reassess what makes us who we are and what makes Wenslow, Wenslow. Our biggest goal with our music is to create soundscapes for our little worlds within our songs to exist in, rather than a collection of unconnected ideas. That’s why we’ve taken so much time away, to truly discover what that looks like and how we capture it.

RB: My fiancé, Aria, and I had our son Sebastian in September of 2019 so he has been my main focus over the last 3 years. And with that came a lot of writer's block for me and lack of free time so I honestly thought I wouldn’t be able to continue with this anymore. But Brady and Dan were about to create so much and get me fired up again, I’m thankful they didn’t give up on me and we knew it was time for us to show everyone what we’re capable of now.

Are you able to talk to us about what’s coming up for Wenslow?

yD: We have a ton of stuff right on the way, an EP in early spring, probably a few more single releases, and hopefully a new full length before 2023. We also are hoping to get back into the swing of shows this summer.

Dan: Our main goal is to start having a more consistent stream of music coming out as opposed to having 1 or 2 eps/albums a year.

RB: New adventures and cool tunes with my bros.

What is the best piece of advice someone has given you in the past 3 years?

yD: I’ve been told by many people that if I love what we are creating then who am I waiting for, it's not gonna release itself. The perfectionist in me is always gonna say it’s never ready. At some point you have to send the kids off to school and out into the world.

Dan: It's not so much advice as something I've realized over the years. It's that "making it" as a musician doesn't really matter to me. I just want to make music I like with my best friends. So as long as I get to do that I got no worries

RB: Don’t make yourself miserable to make other people happy. The world has a lot to offer so don’t settle for less.

Say you guys were driving to record new music, what songs never leave the radio?

Dan: Right now I would say my favorite songs at the moment are probably "Basics," by Twice or "Cloud by Lions" and "Acrobats"

yD: You are gonna catch me in one of two moods. I’m either listening to "Fever," by Enhypen or the "Angels and Airwaves" discography.

RB: "Green Squirrel" in "Pretty Bad Shape," by Hot Mulligan or any Hot Mulligan song they’re all good.

Where can we find you guys at?

We are located in all the usual internet places. You can stream our music on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music! We also have Instagram (@WenslowMusic), and most of our main comradery happens on facebook (

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