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Painting a Portrait with a Lens: A Sit Down with Marisol White

What is your preferred method of photography? (Film, digital, etc.) and what do you like about it?

My preferred method of photography is digital, I think mostly because I’ve been drawn to it since I was a kid! As a little kid I loved my point and shoot digital camera and kept my own photo albums. In high school I got my first DSLR camera and that grew into a love of editing. I love the unlimited options I have to create the vision I have in mind.

Your dream photoshoot what is it and why? (Portrait, Wedding, Concerts, etc.)

My dream photo project is to be on a team of photographers and videographers for music festivals. I love to capture people at their most genuine and at music festivals, people feel safe to express themselves fully! It’s a beautiful environment and I would love to be able to capture these moments in what feels like another world.

When you go about setting up photoshoots, how do you choose a location?

Setting up location, I typically like to ask the client what kind of vibe they’d like to create. Then going off that, if it’s outside, I usually get in my car and drive around or walk around different areas to try to find something that looks promising. For indoor shoots I choose location based on the vibe too! Places with multiple lighting options are always good too. :)

(Model Credit: Halima Meisner)

Who are the artists that influenced you the most?

The artists that have influenced me the most. Oh man this is tough. I think personally- my dad. He introduced me to so many different mediums of art and his way of thinking has definitely shaped my view. As for other artists, it would be hard to nail down one because I think everyone has an interesting perspective and we can all learn from each other.

What kind of gear do you bring to a shoot? (Lenses, Camera Body or any props that are a must)

I use a Canon 5D Mark IV camera body and my main lens is a Sigma 50mm F1.4 prime lens! It’s so versatile I love it so much haha. Thank you to my cousin Antonio Alvarez for suggesting this lens!

(Model Credit: Emille Lasca)

What has been the best piece of advice someone has given you?

The best advice I’ve received was from my partner Matt to always be open to criticism and let it be an unemotional learning experience. I’m pretty sensitive and this has helped me grow.

During an editing session what are 3 songs that you can assure will be on the list?


"You've got Soul" By Daily Bread (Feat. Gram Wire)

"Mind A Racin' " By BOOGIE T RIO

Where can we find you? (This is where you can post any and all links! Promote yourself!)

And find me on Facebook at Amanita Photo Co. I have a website under construction, and it will be posted there when it’s finished!

Amanita Photo Co. Facebook:

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