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Putting Dreams to Reality: A Sit Down with Austin Hamblin

Can you tell us a bit on how you started creating comics?

I got my first self-published book of comics out when I was a senior in high school. I walked the hallways of my school with a box and sold it to students and faculty alike.

What is your favorite type of comic to create? (Story driven, action, etc.)

Humor. Everything I do has to have at least some element of humor to it!

Do you remember what the first comic you created was about and do you still have it?

For sure! The Trial Run was a collection of short comics like Attack of the Zombie Penguins, The Great Day, Never Piss off a Nerd, and other strange tales.

How do you get yourself into a creative headspace to start on a comic book?

Sometimes I watch a film I love or read a comic I love. One of the things I like to do is make a music playlist with music that would fit the theme of the comic.

Which do you create first: a story/script or the drawings?

I mainly just write (sometimes I poorly draw autobio comics). Everything starts as a script. If I have an artist lined up in the being the concept art happens at the same time.

What is one piece of advice that you wish someone told you right when you started?

Just do it. Make the stuff no one can stop you. Draw it yourself if you have to! Just do it and learn as you go.

When you’re on your way to a comic-con what are the 3 songs on your playlist?

A long way to the top if you want to rock and roll by AC DC

The Devil in I by Slipknot

The Bleeding by Five Finger Death Punch

Where can we find you? (This is where you can post any and all links! Promote yourself)

Samurai Web Comic with Michael Spivey:

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