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Small Town Songs: A Sit Down With Chelsie Schnobernd

Updated: Dec 10, 2022

(Photo Credit: Kelsi Stogdill)

What would you say first got you into music?

My father's side of the family are mostly all musicians. My grandma had a restaurant we use to have our family functions at. Everyone would bring their guitars and instruments and everyone would sing and jam. I always wanted to be a part of that. I always loved to sing. So when so was ten my dad bought me my first guitar. He taught me three main chords and told me I needed to learn the rest myself. Two weeks later, I had learned the “Stairway to Heaven” and “Sweet Child O Mine” intros.

Do you remember how old you were when you wrote and performed for the first time, and do you remember what it was that you performed?

My sister and I wrote our first when I was nine and she was seven called, “There Are Broken Hearts”. It was the cheesiest love song and you’re damn right I remember all the dance moves we created to it 😂 The first time I performed I was in the fifth grade and sang at our school talent show. Following that, I met a guy named Scott Joseph Phares who hosted shows at the YMCA in Roodhouse, IL. I did that almost every Friday night for almost three years (16-19). I had a band in high school before joining my dads band out of high school. We did that a few years. In my early twenties my sister and our best friend formed an acoustic band. And after a few years of that we formed a band called That’s What She Said. We played about five years before we all went on to different things.

Who inspires you to make music?

My inspiration for my music comes from many influences. From my own heartbreak, to other people I knows situations, to how something I’ve encountered has made me feel.

What is your before show ritual? Is there anything that you would do before going and performing music?

Honestly, my before show ritual is usually smoking some cannabis to help me get in my zone. The more I feel the music, the better I perform. And hot tea with honey.

If you could collaborate with anybody, who would you choose?

If I could collaborate with any artists, I’d have to say Matt Maeson is one of my tops right now. If I had the chance, I’d collab with Bon Iver, Bishop Briggs, and John Mayer.

What was the best piece of advice someone gave you when it came to performing and writing music?

The best piece of advice I’ve received is to just feel the music. Whether the crowd is feeling it or not. If you’re feeling it and you just close your eyes and feel it, you’ll do fine.

If the radio got stuck at the salon and it could only play 3 songs what would they be?

"Ocean Avenue" by Yellowcard

"Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel

"Scarlett" by Holly Humberstone

Where can we find you at?(this is where you can post any and all links! Promote yourself)

I have a TikTok account. I’m working on posting more music, covers and originals. And I’m funny and a good cook. So you’ll find that on there, too


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