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That Big Time Money: A Sit Down With Michael Money

Updated: Feb 3, 2023

How did you first get into music?

My mother would put on 'The Beatles' record's constantly and my father would put on a lot of 'Pink Floyd' records for me to listen to, as I became a young teen I'd be obsessed with MTV when they use play non stop music videos all day long then and when I started getting an allowance I saved up enough money to go buy a CD, so I hoped on my bike and rode it to the nearest store that sold CD's. When I went over to the music part of the store there were like 6 options on the shelf, and I ended up buying the first thing I saw which was a copy of a group know as 'Ace Of Base' on the CD it had this track titled called 'Cruel Summer' that I became obsessed with and it was the very first cd I ever bought for myself. It had value to me at the time, and I was learning what I liked and didn't like. Ace Of Base is one I approve of.

What was the first song you learned to play on the guitar?

The very first song I finally ever learned to play on the guitar was sweet dreams by Marylin Manson I wanted to learn how to play it after watching the horror film called House On Haunted Hill which scared the hell out of me but that rush was so awesome and later on I started getting better and eventually one day at school I got huge respect from all my buddies when I learned how to play the Crazy Train (intro guitar riff) by Randy Rhodes from Ozzy Osborne.

Who are your musical influences?

Honestly I'm like a sponge absorbing every kind of musical influence around me or shown to me but at heart I'm a Metal kid. All my early influences were bands like Slipknot, Korn, System Of A Down, and Rammstein pretty much anything with guitars in a song. I wanted to learn how to play the guitar riffs and my favorite guitarists at the time were Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen, and Joe Satriani. Now my current musical influences I would say just expanded as I got older and I never really realized just how good the 80's Music generation was until I got older. Now I really have been obsessed with it lately and I get inspiration from things as simple as the music in movies that I watch or even the early 80's and 90's horror music elements in movies those time periods are just musical magic to my ears.

What is the craziest tour story that you can share?

Oh I have a lot of tour stories, that I discuss over on my Twitch channel. My early tour days I would be compared to Motley Crue for my partying lifestyle. My first time out on the road I was doing some merchandise and tech work for a band and our van broke down in the middle of Omaha Nebraska during a giant snow storm, so we decided to get a hotel until we could get the van fixed. I bought a bottle of vodka and I just started chugging it like there was no tomorrow. Inside the hotel there was some formal dance party going on so what do I decide to go and do, crash that party full on Rockstar 101 mindset. Then eventually I came to a point where I got too drunk and started blacking out, I woke up in the hospital with a cast on my arm. When I woke up it was the next day, apparently I had gotten so drunk that I decided to destroy the hotel lobby and the bathrooms. I was literally just running around like a maniac, at one point of the night I got up on one the tables and started dumping the food all over the place at this convention party. By the end of the night I proceeded to punch a stop sign as hard as I could which I guess seemed like a good idea to me at the time that's how I woke up with the cast around my arm.

Where is your favorite venue to play and why?

I had the honor of getting to play all kinds of different beautiful gigantic music venues across the world and after that being said it is really hard for me to just pick one but I gotta say The Whiskey in Hollywood CA feels like a second home to me I have a lot of great memories playing there.

How did you get into streaming and at the moment what is your favorite game to stream?

Prior to Covid I dabbled around a lot with tech and eventually lead up to me building my first PC in 2013. Then later on when Covid hit us hard and we were stuck inside with all the regulations in 2020 that's when I really I dove deep into PC building again. This time it was on a whole other level because of streaming and content creation I was hooked. Also I'm just really into technology to the point where I would build and make custom mod components for maxing out my PC specs even to the point of modifying Apple hardware integrations really wanting the best setup you had ever seen with your eyes. I became obsessed and now my live streams have became so intricate but the first rule is to just have a good time! So if you ever catch my streams, you’ll find yourself probably having a lot of fun, I play guitar and sing a ton on my streams its really good practice and I love that my community I have been meeting there on Twitch is growing and everyone and I been meeting a lot of my fans and giving them a chance to get to know me, better by letting them play video games with me, it is a lot of fun! and you can find me playing Dead By Daylight, Destiny 2, Horror Games, Indie Games, Classic Action Adventure games.

What’s your favorite meal to have on the road?

I have to say Whole Foods everyday please and thank you! We would make it a priority on tour for us to try and always stop and park at a Whole Foods in that town if it was possible that's how far our obsession with the iconic organic food grocery store goes.

When you’re preparing for a stream, what 3 songs are on your current playlist?

When it comes to music I usually play a lot of classic video game music soundtracks in the background and the 80s and synthwave songs but when I whip out the guitar I get down with some Metal bangers all day long on the streams.

Where can we find you?

Where to find me & my band


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