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That New Dynamic Duo:A Sit Down with MYLO X Austin

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

(Photo Credit: Omni Photography)

Who inspired you guys to start creating music?

We weren’t really inspired by anyone, we kind of just did it for fun at first.

What is your guys creative process like for making a new song?

We can never make a song when we’re together cause we get distracted very easily but most of the time, Austin will make one and send it to Mylo and he’ll do his part, or vice versa.

How would you describe your style of music?

I mean we have our own style really but we were inspired by artists like Polo G, NoCap, Lil TJay, and Toossi.

What has been your favorite show you’ve played on?

The show where we opened up for Stevie a stone for sure, because it was our first show and we met a lot of good and talented people there.

Who gave you the best piece of advice for starting music and what was it?

No one really, but DJ Antbomb helped us a lot with improving our lyrics, style, music quality.

What are 3 underrated songs that you think people should listen to more often? (This is our fun way of asking what are your 3 favorite songs!)

We only have 2 songs out together which is 2TB and Heartcold, but this upcoming album has a song called “Without You” is our favorite.

Where can we find you at?

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