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The Gaelic Promise Land: A Sit Down with Celtic Honey

Updated: Dec 10, 2022

(Photo Credit: Celtic Honey)

Can you tell us about your creative adventures that you’re working on at the moment?

I've got some really fun things in the works for 2023. All I can say is you'll be seeing me at cons much more! And a routine that involves sabers of the light kind.

(Oh we here at SNAP love us a good Con)

Do you have any events planned that you can talk about?

I will be in a East Village Vaudeville & Variety Show this Saturday at Village Theatre, New Year's Eve show with Bottoms Up Quad Cities Burlesque at The Speakeasy on 12/31, and several others. Keep an eye on my Facebook fan page, Celtic Honey World for all the details!

Who are your favorite people to Cosplay as, and who was the first cosplay that you did?

I am really excited to give Hela upgrades for next year!

My first non original cosplay was Rinoa from FFVIII

(Photo Credit: Phil Hoffman)

What would you say has been your greatest achievement in your endeavors?

I would say performing nerdlesque in front of 400 people headlining SiouxperCon. I met some really amazing people and the event was so well ran!

What kinds of performance is your favorite, and what do you enjoy about it?

Burlesque specifically my silk fan numbers. It makes my water fae soul so happy to vibe. The movement and flow makes my very being glow.

(Photo Credit: Knightmage)

What is the best piece of advice someone gave you that you wish you would have known in the beginning?

Buy shiny lacy appliques as a quick but fancy way to dress up costumes and then rhinestone on them later for next level embellishments.

If you were creating 3 burlesque routines with your favorite songs what would those be?

Well I did one already and that is my Pisces/Water Fae routine to Pisces by Xan Griffin. It is a piece that leaves people speechless and I just love the emotion it invokes.

The second song would be probably a medley piece to Final Fantasy X and incorporating To Zanarkand, my favorite piece of piano music.

The third would be a version of Desire I'm digging currently by Bob Moses and Zhu.

Where can we find you at?

(Photo Credit: Michael Woolheater)

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