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What is Today But Yesterday's Tomorrow: A Sit Down with Alicia Lovewell

(Photo Credit: Megan Brincks)

What would you say was your entrance in music?

My dad was a DJ growing up so music has always been a big part of my life. I remember I was around 6 the first time I sang karaoke and from there I was hooked.

Do you remember how old you were when you wrote your first song, and do you remember what it was about?

I was in 3rd grade actually when I started to write poetry and that sort of morphed into songs over time. It was a poem about rain I think. For a long time singing and writing were separate hobbies for me. I actually have a Bachelors in Creative Writing so I've always considered myself a writer first and singer second. Learning to marry the two together has been such a fun and enlightening journey of self-expression.

What is your mission as an artist?

Oh man, that's a big question! I think if I had to boil it down to a mission it would be just to leave my mark on the Zeitgeist and express myself as openly as I can without fear and hope others can relate. For a long time I had awful stage fright and wouldn't sing in front of other people. Living with and embracing that fear has helped me really grow as a person I think. Fear can be an amazing tool for growth.

Do you have a special ritual that you do before a show or before you record music?

A cup of black coffee. There's something about having a warm cup in my hands that just sparks that part of my brain. There's nothing more inspiring for me than an empty quiet house and a cup of coffee.

Who inspires you to continue your music career?

The people in my life are my biggest inspiration for sure. My kids and my friends and people in the community that have enjoyed something I've created. The first show I ever performed, I was so overwhelmed and amazed when people in the crowd knew the lyrics to songs I wrote alone in my bedroom. It's still so surreal and humbling when someone connects with something I've created or helped create.

What is the best piece of advice that someone has given you?

I had a teacher in high-school that really encouraged me with my writing (shout out Mr. Springer) and he always said "The work is its own reward." I still think about that a lot when I'm working on something, especially in the studio.

What are three songs that you wish got requested more?

I absolutely love singing 'This Song Has Teeth' and our cover of 'Dreams' but we have a new song we're working on and I think it's going to be one of my favorites.

Where can we find you at?

We're planning to debut a new song 'One Eye Open' which I'm really excited for!

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