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Where We've Been

Hey all!

Sorry about the lack of articles and content coming from our magazine. We've been hard at work in the background making our website, articles and overall content better than ever.

The first part of 2023 has been crazy to say the least. With sickness, new work assignments and things being quiet in the music scene due to it being winter we had a 'pause' to wait it out. Things are looking up and we're excited to be pumping out new content.

We have some crazy announcements to hopefully be making within the month involving some creative individuals and our Co-Owner JR. Keep your eyes and ears pealed as we will be getting back on track.

In the spirit of our magazine please let us know what is your favorite content to see in a music/small business magazine. Do you like our artist spotlights, music reviews or would you like to see more show reviews!

If you or anyone you know likes to analyze music or is a photographer please reach out as we're always looking to expand our team!

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