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Wrapping Up An Agreement: A Sit Down With Gold Protocol

Can you introduce everyone in the band and what instrument do each play?

Sure thing, my name is Aaron, I am the lead vocalist and bass guitarist, and I also do our graphic design and run our socials.

DJ is our first guitarist and dollar-store version of Bryer from Manhattan Blockade. (Blue Guitar)

Nate is our other guitarist, we let him graduate from being our drummer, and now he gets to be the super cool lead guitarist. (Orange V Guitar)

Last but not least, our brand new Noah; we recently brought him in since we collectively decided that since Nate was the best guitarist, he should play guitar. After a search, we found Noah, and then we came back to where we started, that our best guitarist is once again our drummer.

Who inspired each of you to start playing music?

Aaron: Well, I wasn't first inspired to start playing music until after some time doing electronic music production, but then I met my friend Rudy, and he got me into pop punk, and I decided around that time I wanted to learn guitar. The rest is history. I’ve been singing since before I could remember, so I can't give a good answer.

DJ: I always grew up around it, so it was inevitable

Nate: Regular Show

Noah: Grandma

How did you come up with your band name?

Aaron: Well, I love Halo. That was one of my favorite games to play with my friends when I was younger, so I was thinking of a cool band name and searching through the Halo Wiki when I remembered the Cole Protocol. I thought that sounded cool, so I searched it and found a book with that name, too (and, of course, information about the subject matter). So I decided a similar word would help change it enough while still retaining the punchiness of the phrase.

But now people go on and ask, "Is your band named after C-3P0" (a gold protocol droid), and I say, "Yeah, let's go with that." It's easier and more fun. The name is the least important thing. Honestly, the name of our band could be our name so long as we keep getting to play together.

When you’re finding songs to cover, how do you decide on what to learn/play?

It’s mostly a trial-and-error system. We have a big list of songs we want to cover, try them, and see which ones we like enough to continue playing, and eventually, we cull it down to our favorites to play. We do our best to ensure that our set has enough variation between songs, so we don’t get too stale.

Does pineapple belong on pizza?

Aaron: I don’t like pineapple on pizza, but too many people have way too extreme opinions about pineapple on pizza. Who cares? People in Sweden put bananas and curry on pizza, pineapple pizza dudes aren’t the enemy.

What good advice were you told when you guys first started making music?

Aaron: I got my advice from a documentary interviewing and having Tom from Blink-182 tell you about his life. He says looking cool is 93%, maybe even 95%, of music.

DJ: It doesn’t matter if you fuck up. Nobody’s going to notice except you if you keep playing.

Nate: Same as DJ’s

Noah: Man, it’s only my third day out here

What are the 3 songs that you want to cover the most?

Aaron: “Things I’d Say” - Puppet, Astrale, & Keepsake

DJ: “They Perched on Their Stilts, Pointing and Daring Me to Break Custom” - Saosin

Nate: “Blood and Thunder” - Mastodon

Noah: “Joker & the Thief” -Wolfmother

Where can we find you guys at?

Here are the links to the places you can find our band!

We’ll add some more when we finish up some originals, so be on the lookout for that ;)

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